For IT problems, we are your IT experts, to solve any trouble with Internet, Software, Networking, Telecommunications.

We have the experience in all levels of IT. 

You can have your own CTO, chief technical officer, IT support  for less that you think. Call us and get a quote and assessment for your home or business.

You can travel with confidence knowing that your services will be ready for you from any place.


Where is your information saved? or your e-mail hosted on your premises? Cloud solutions can save you money!!! We provide you affordable solutions for your business.


Updating, formatting, doing backups, antivirus and spyware check are part of your IT security. We can help you to tune your pc, laptop, tablet, phone, servers, printer to be up to date.


We can turn your phone or tablet in the most incredible tool to access to your network, land line to keep your business running.

We help you have the best IT available for your business

Choosing the right IT for your business can be a nightmare, we give you solutions adapted to your business.

Following our methodology, we provide you the best cost- effective solutions.


Cloud Computing


We are your IT partner to grow

Mobility Whether it is a tablet, a laptop or a cell phone, you can turn it into an opportunity to be in your office from anywhere. If you have internet, servers, cameras, local applications. With our advice, you will be able to change the work style of your work team, balancing your flexibility to share more with your family, and thus improve your productivity.

Cloud Computing Today IT is no longer in your facilities, thanks to connectivity and telecommunications, it is safer to have updated information on multiple servers simultaneously, than to have it on USB sticks or hard drives that can be damaged or lost from one moment to another . Services like Dropbox, Google Drive, iCloud, Microsoft One Drive are the most used examples today. In addition, multiple applications are doing it more and more, examples are SAP, Contpaq, SAI, and many others that are close to meeting this goal.

Security From remote cameras for surveillance, power quality plans, backup systems, information recovery, virtual private networks, no-break, access controls.

Training If you have information technology personnel, we prepare them for the new realities in technology, specific training according to your technological needs, to put your company in tune with what you have so that you can think about what is coming.

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